I did my undergrad studies at Universidad de Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia which was a 5 year program (2011-2016) where my thesis was supervised by Juan Carlos Muñoz Cuartas. After that I studied a master degree at Leiden University in Astronomy and Cosmology where I worked in two different research projects, one with Henk Hoekstra and the other with Alessandra Silvestri.

Then I did my Ph.D. with prof. Karl Glazebrook at Swinburne in the beautiful city of Melbourne, Australia, studying one of the most fundamental and fascinating aspects of galaxy evolution: Angular Momentum. I explain my Ph.D. work in the section "My PhD project" in the homepage.

Now I work as a Postdoctoral researcher at MPE working on the GALPHYS project. This project mainly investigates z~2 galaxies and their properties using a sophisticated Near-IR and AO-asssited IFU at the VLT: ERIS.

Here I show some of my astronomy-related pictures. Some of these include conferences, talks, colleagues, graduations and supervisors.

Harvard Observatory with Rafael Martínez Galarza (Boston, US)
Jorge Villa and Juan Carlos Muñoz in Leiden (The Netherlands)
Undergrad graduation with my parents Hernando Espejo and Doris Salcedo (Medellín, Colombia)
Group picture of the group lead by Karl Glazebrook at CAS (Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing)
Master graduation (Leiden University)
My first international conference (European Astronomical Society, Leiden 2020)
With Danail Obreschkow and Karl Glazebrook (Perth, Australia)
Master graduation (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Leiden, The Netherlands (2017)
Holding the ballon that would take our cosmic rays detector to the stratosphere (Medellín, Colombia)
COCOA 2014 (Pasto, Nariño, Colombia)
My first presentation in a national congress COCOA 2014 (Pasto, Nariño, Colombia)
OPD Observatory (Brasil)
Jorge's graduation (UdeA, Medellín, Colombia)
Undegrad thesis presentation (2016, UdeA)
AstrotwinColo 2015 with Jarle Brinchmann, Udea
With my two undegrad supervisors, Juan Carlos Muñoz and Jorge Zuluaga
Local newspaper from my hometown after my undergrad graduation (Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia)
Chatting with Neil deGrasse Tyson (Melbourne, AU)
IAU meeting (Vienna, 2018)
Master graduation with my supervisor Alessandra Silvestri (Leiden, 2016)
With this semi-known guy (Frankfurt, Germany)
LExS award ceremony (Leiden, 2016)
I took a photo of the Melbourne skyline and added the the Milky Way (Melbourne, 2019)
OPD observatory in the background (Brasil, 2014)
My first encounter with an astronaut (ESA at Noordwijk, The Netherlands)
Our joint graduation ceremy in Leiden
I was featured on the Lorentz institute instagram
Our visit to the Kennedy Space Center (NASA, 2005)
An encounter with Javier Santaolalla (physicist and science communicator) at Aeropuerto el dorado, (Bogotá, Colombia)
Next to a model of the JWST telescope at the IAU meeting (Vienna, 2018)
Holding my master diploma (Leiden, 2018)
My first day in Leiden (2016)