I did my undergrad studies at Universidad de Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia which was a 5 year program (2011-2016) where my thesis was supervised by Juan Carlos Muñoz Cuartas. After that I studied a master degree at Leiden University in Astronomy and Cosmology where I worked in two different research projects, one with Henk Hoekstra and the other with Alessandra Silvestri.
Then I did my Ph.D. with prof. Karl Glazebrook at Swinburne in the beautiful city of Melbourne, Australia, studying one of the most fundamental and fascinating aspects of galaxy evolution: Angular Momentum. I explain my Ph.D. work in the section "My PhD project" in the homepage.
Now I work as a Postdoctoral researcher at MPE working on the GALPHYS project. This project mainly investigates z~2 galaxies and their properties using a sophisticated Near-IR and AO-asssited IFU at the VLT: ERIS.
Here I show some of my astronomy-related pictures. Some of these include conferences, talks, colleagues, graduations and supervisors.