About me

I am a Colombian astronomer currently based in Munich, Germany where I research galaxy evolution with the infra-red (IR) group at MPE.

Besides Astrophysics, I love spending time in the basketball court and learning about new cultures. You can learn more about me in the following photo albums:

  • Astronomy

  • Basketball

  • Around the world

My work

  • My PhD project

    The Evolution of Galaxy Angular Momentum across cosmic time.

  • My publications

    List of my scientific publications.

  • Previous work (external link)

    Some of my research experience and useful assignments compiled in my github repository.

  • My CV

    Find here the PDF of my curriculum vitae.

  • My YouTube channel (external link)

    "Betweenwhiles" is a side project where I try to share some videos about Astrophysics to everyone.

Here's one of the videos from my YouTube channel:

Contact me

Find me on social media: